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Título : Tesis de grado para la obtención del título de Ingeniería en Medio Ambiente
Palabras clave : Desastres naturales
Fecha de publicación : 5-ago-2020
Editorial : Jipijapa.UNESUM
Citación : BERMEO MURILLO MERCY SILVANA(2020)Tesis de grado para la obtención del título de Ingeniería en Medio Ambiente.Jipijapa.UNESUM.FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS NATURALES Y DE LA AGRICULTURA.126PG
Resumen : Desastres naturales
Descripción : The Risk Management Plan is a tool that has been implemented in educational institutions, to take corrective action to reduce the risks caused by natural disasters. The purpose of this research is to develop a Risk Management Plan before sismos in the School of Basic Education "Francisco Febres Cordero" of the Milton Murillo campus, belonging to the parish El Effort of the canton Santo Domingo. Field visits were conducted, surveys were also carried out on students, parents and teachers, through the application of a survey with structured questions to obtain information required for the implementation of the Risk Management Plan. The results of the research show that the main risk scenario identified in the institution was its infrastructure, in addition a Earthquake Risk Management Plan was designed for the School of Basic Education "Francisco Febres Cordero". It is concluded that the main threat posed by the institution is the systems due to its old construction and lack of maintenance. It is therefore recommended that relevant authorities such as the education district improve the school's infrastructure
URI : http://repositorio.unesum.edu.ec/handle/53000/2394
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis-Ingeniería Ambiental

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